Silicon Power has revealed a new series of consumer-oriented 3.5-inch external USB hard drives. The Stream S07 HDDs can be used with PCs, Smart TVs, and other devices.

The Silicon Power Stream S07 family consists of four models featuring 3 TB, 4 TB, 6 TB, and 8 TB capacity. All the drives come in a black plastic enclosure with a texture that resembles a stone. To make resemblance with a stone even more realistic, the chassis has an opening that looks like a crack. The opening is used for cooling and it also has a stylish integrated LED that is used as a transfer status indicator.

The manufacturer is not disclosing which hard drives are used for its Stream S07 DAS devices, though given the performance and power needs for the device, they certianly won't be high-end. If nothing else, since we are not dealing with high-capacity drives, this means they are based on CMR (conventional magnetic recording) technology and won't incur the greater complexities of using a shingled drive.


Silicon Power’s Stream 07 external hard drives will be available shortly. Prices will vary depending on the capacity.

Related Reading:

Source: Silicon Power

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  • PeachNCream - Friday, February 7, 2020 - link

    " opening that looks like a crack."

    That's actually kind of classy and cool looking, but at the same time there are lots of openings for puns.

    "My, my, Silicon Power has an impressive crack!" or "I've seen a lot of people drop the trou in my day so I can say for a fact that opening is a pretty disappointing crack," or "Why go for cocaine when you can buy crack?"
  • Smell This - Friday, February 7, 2020 - link

    It looks like they took a band-saw to it, and cut it in half . . . ;-)

    4.5-inch x 1.5-inch x 7-inches looks sweet -- and that band-saw cut is to keep your fingertips warm while you are counting the money saved using the Silicon Power external enclosure . .
  • eastcoast_pete - Friday, February 7, 2020 - link

    Plastic enclosures make for hot drives if they're running for more than a few minutes. Not sure about that design for this reason alone..
  • Dragonstongue - Friday, February 7, 2020 - link

    generally, absolutely yes, however, there are some types of various materials (such as plastic) that are able to shed heat, likely not as well as say CU or ALU though all depends on the material science they invoked in making.

    Likely though, you are probably correct in that drives will run hotter than likely should be though also depends on drives they have chosen to use inside of it, some spinners have a far higher temperature tolerance than others of course.

    I hate seeing my drives run 50+c though many these days are "fine" if run sub 75c (especially SSD style)
  • foobaz - Friday, February 7, 2020 - link

    Is that a type A USB connector? It's against the USB spec to put one of those on a peripheral. You won't be able to use a standard USB cable with this, you'll need a rare A-A cable, which is also outside the spec.
  • extide - Friday, February 7, 2020 - link

    Yeah, unless it has a B or C on the back and a little hub inside and that's another downstream port -- which would also be surprising.
  • CharonPDX - Friday, February 7, 2020 - link

    I had an old USB 2.0-era 2.5" Parallel ATA enclosure that used a USB-A port on the drive - it was annoying. You had to make sure to have its own special cable (which, because not all systems could provide enough power over one USB port, had *TWO* USB-A plugs on the other end!) or it was useless.
  • jabber - Monday, February 10, 2020 - link

    But this will mostly be set and forget so not really an issue. I even have some 2.5" caddies that use this arrangement and it's fine. Never been a hassle.
  • CharonPDX - Friday, February 7, 2020 - link

    "Source: This article is a paid advertisement, but we're hiding that."

    I think I might be done with Anandtech. It's completely unusable without an ad blocker, and the ads-masquerading-as-articles are starting to outnumber the actual original articles.
  • sandtitz - Saturday, February 8, 2020 - link

    It's only the Anton Shilov articles. He does no product evaluations and while many of his articles have been shown to contain errors they are never fixed.

    Anandtech would look pretty empty site with only one or perhaps two proper articles per week if these regurgitated press releases like this one weren't shown.

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