The Celery Report: Issue #6

by Russ Stringham on February 7, 1999 10:30 AM EST

The report

I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is that, at least in it's Malay incarnation, the "new" retail SL2WM appears to be as strong as ever. The bad news is, good luck finding them (especially after this report is published.;-)

I dug up 60 Celery sticks this week, but I had to scrounge from three different sources. I landed 40 from one source and 10 each from two others. Of these, 50 were the SL2WM boxed and 10 were the original retail SL32A in tray pack. All of these were Malay chips. As always, these are my results based on the opportunity to test on multiple boards with multiple memory modules, as needed. Your results may vary.

To the point: All 50 of the SL2WM Malay new "retail" had no difficulty at all with 450Mhz and only three even required a goose in the core, and then only to 2.1v. This level of success is consistent with past results testing the original retail version. I didn't get around to testing the 10 SL32A's, but I'm not particularly concerned about these.

All the chips were from later production, with 40 from week 49 and 10 from week 51. So, at least thru week 51, the fears of "bus locking" have not yet been realized.


To-date, I've now tested a total of 432 300A's. Not all of these are included in the table because, prior to writing these reports, I didn't track the information at this level of detail. Of these, 140 were OEM, SL2WM. These processors have overclocked successfully to 450Mhz at about 86%, with a majority requiring an increase in core voltage.

I've tested 242 retail SL32A, Malay CPUs, and now 50 of the new retail SL2WM, also Malay. Of these, only one chip refused to dance at 450Mhz, and the overwhelming majority required no increase in core voltage. I've concluded that the retail Malay SL32A CPU is definitely superior to the OEM Costa SL2WM. Remember that crow I had for dinner earlier?

And now, for your Celery shopping pleasure, the table:

Label Code # tested PCB week Symbol Version 2.0v 2.1v 2.2v 2.3v No Go
08451303 27 9839 Clover OEM 24/89% 2/7% 1/4% 0 0
08450076 6 9838 COMPEQ OEM 1/17% 3/50% 2/33% 0 0
08450076 6 9838 COMPEQ OEM 0 0 0 2/33% 4/67%
08461541 20 9841 Clover OEM 6/30% 5/25% 5/25% 2/10% 2/10%
08461541 10 9841 Clover OEM 2/20% 6/60% 1/10% 1/10% 0
98391399 10 9823 COMPEQ Retail 10/100% 0 0 0 0
98410558 3 9837 Clover Retail 3/100% 0 0 0 0
98410558 2 9835 Clover Retail 2/100% 0 0 0 0
98471558 15 9843 COMPEQ Retail 14/93% 1/7% 0 0 0
98480238 60 9844 Clover Retail 54/90% 6/10% 0 0 0
98430629 40 9836 Clover Retail 35/88% 4/10% 1/2% 0 0
98450025 50 9836 Clover Retail 50/100% 0 0 0 0
98450028 20 9836 Clover Retail 19/95% 0 1/5% 0 0
98450027 40 9836 Clover Retail 37/93% 2/5% 1/3% 0 0
08471240 3 9843 Clover OEM 0 3/100% 0 0 0
08471498 15 9842 Clover OEM 0 4/27% 4/27% 4/27% 3/20%
98491319 15 9843 Clover *Retail 13/87% 2/13% 0 0 0
98491350 15 9841 Clover *Retail 14/93% 1/7% 0 0 0
98491349 10 9841 Clover *Retail 10/100% 0 0 0 0
98510975 10 9843 Clover *Retail 10/100% 0 0 0 0
TOTALS 387       304/79% 39/10% 16/5% 9/3% 9/3%

NOTE: Label codes beginning with "98" are Malay ,
codes beginning with "08" are Costa Rica.
* Denotes new "retail" SL2WM CPUs.

Well, happy hunting!

Russ Stringham, Owner

Cooking the Celery
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