Newport Mobile Platform Concept

We were quite surprised that the demonstrations didn't end with the Si Photonics and FIB bits, instead they continued on to provide a glimpse into Intel's concepts for mobile and desktop PCs in 2004. For starters we have Intel's 2004 mobile platform concept called Newport.

Here we have the Newport concept unfolded to act as a desktop

The keyboard can also be detached to make it function as a Tablet PC

The platform was running an unusual Windows interface (see below), perhaps a precursor to Longhorn but entirely too much like the current interface in order to be considered the next-generation 3D UI.


The focus of the demonstration was of course the wireless connectivity that the notebook would allow its user, including the ability to interface with a number of other non-PC devices.

In this blurry shot you can see the LCD that enables closed-lid computing

One interesting feature brought up during the demo was the idea of closed-lid computing. The feature is simple; the notebook would have a small LCD screen on the case itself that is visible and functional when the notebook lid is closed. You could use this LCD screen and interface to continue to use your PC to check and send email, including attaching files stored on your notebook's hard drive without having to boot up your PC into Windows.


The benefits are obviously reduced power consumption, since all you're powering is the CPU in a very low power mode, memory and maybe the hard drive, and you're able to continue to use your notebook to perform simple tasks even after you've closed it down. How many times have you shut down your notebook only to realize that you hadn't sent off that email you needed to, with closed-lid computing you wouldn't need to power your entire system back up to do just that.

An Unusual Number of Demonstrations Marble Falls Desktop Platform Concept
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