The Basics

I’ll say that the iPad isn’t the sort of revolutionary device it was hyped to be. It’s impossible to meet the expectations that were thrust upon the device. Some of that is Apple’s own fault. By being so secretive, the world tends to assume that anything is possible - especially from a company that not too long ago revolutionized the smartphone market. While the iPhone was nicknamed the Jesus Phone, I’m not sure the same label fits the iPad. In part because it is a brand new device for a brand new market segment, not an improved version of an existing product.

In fact, Apple doesn’t have as good of a track record in this department. Far more often we see Apple perfecting a particular device rather than diving head first into a new market segment. That’s not to say it won’t be successful. There’s always the iPod to look back on.

The basics are as follows. The iPad runs the iPhone OS, in this case 3.2. Presumably when the iPhone OS gets updated, so will the iPad OS. The UI is obviously tailored to the larger screen, which measures 9.7” diagonally.

The iPad (WiFi) dimensions. Amazon's Kindle 2 measures in at 8" x 5.3" x 0.36"


The interface is strictly touch. You have four physical buttons: power/sleep switch, mute button, volume up/down and an iPhone-style home button. There’s no correct orientation, the OS uses an accelerometer to figure out how you’re holding it and orients the UI accordingly.

Apple says that nearly 100% of the applications for the iPhone in the App Store will run on the iPad. There are some new applications that Apple is shipping with the device. The entire iWork suite has been ported to the iPad giving you a way to create/view/edit Pages/Word documents, Numbers/Excel spreadsheets and Keynote/Powerpoint presentations.

There’s an email app, a browser, calendar, maps, iPod and all of the basic apps you’d expect. WiFi (802.11n) is supported on all devices while an extra $130 will get you an unlocked 3G version with a microSIM slot. AT&T is the carrier of choice with two dataplan options: $14.99 a month for 250MB of downloads, or unlimited for $29.99. WiFi access at AT&T hotspots is free and there’s no contract required, this is all month to month.

Storage is not expandable and comes in the way of flash. The entry level model comes with 16GB of presumably MLC NAND flash and you can get up to 64GB. The pricing structure is below:

Apple iPad 16GB 32GB 64GB
WiFi $499 $599 $699
3G $629 $729 $829


Availability for the non-3G models is 60 days and 90 days for the 3G enabled devices.

The 3G version of the iPad has a microSIM card slot

From Apple’s demonstrations and the video that’s now live on the site, it appears that the iPad is a great couch surfing device. It looks like a giant iPhone/iPod Touch and appears to be just as snappy. The same can be said for reading and responding to emails. If it works the way Apple portrays it, the iPad appears to be a great device for casually browsing the web, email and watching videos.

Apple is also trying to capitalize on the eBook market by giving the iPad access to Apple’s own eBook store. While I doubt it can pull Kindles away from die hard users, it may open the segment up to more users than Amazon could.

The real question is whether or not the device will function as a productivity device as well.

Index Will it Work...Literally
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  • afkrotch - Friday, January 29, 2010 - link

    I'm waiting for the Lenovo hybrid laptop/tablet. The best of both worlds.
  • lifeblood - Thursday, January 28, 2010 - link

    Apple never does anything revolutionary, but they take evolutionary things and package them into something that is easy to use (which, for IT, is revolutionary). The iPad may not succeed but hopefully the concept will finally succeed. For so long we've needed a device of this size and form. We've seen it in theory since the 60's (Star Trek, etc) and now we have it. Quit looking at what the iPad is missing and look instead at what it CAN (hopefully) do.

    And isn't it funny how Microsoft is fading into insignificance while Apple and Google take center stage? Just like the all powerful IBM did in the PC days. Dear Mr Balmer, you company is doomed unless you take some serious action. Hire some young, imaginative programmers and managers who "get it" (no Windows or WinMobile types allowed), lock them in a room, and have them build a new OS designed for low power CPU's. It's your only hope for the future. And porting Office to it is mandatory.
  • afkrotch - Friday, January 29, 2010 - link

    Archos 5 or Archos 7. Exactly what you want and has been available for over a year. The problem. Not enough ppl make apps for it.

    It's not "now we have it," it's "we've had it and completely ignored it."

    I'll stick with my netbook though. I loaded up Win 7 Pro on it yesterday and it sails now. WinXP on it was horrid. The internet dragged, media was horrible, etc. While it's not anywhere near my desktop, I can at least surf the web and watch my non-HD vids with no probs. Give it a touchscreen and it'd be perfect.
  • morphologia - Thursday, January 28, 2010 - link

    And just how is Microsoft "fading into insignificance" when most of the market buys their little Apple gadgets to use them in conjunction with their Windows PC? They may play around on their iPhone while on a business trip, but first chance they get they'll sync up to their PC so they can get some real work done. Just because a Segway is fun to ride around, that doesn't mean it will replace the sedan or's an expensive toy.
  • ImSpartacus - Thursday, January 28, 2010 - link

    Yeah, until MS finally just sets WinMo on fire and rebuilds the foundation, we will never see a satisfactory mobile device from them.

    Apple's biggest success with this product is the iPhone OS. It's tailored to a small touch screen. You can't throw a desktop OS on a 10in touch screen and expect the user to have a satisfactory experience.
  • mcnabney - Thursday, January 28, 2010 - link

    While I agree about WinMo (I actually don't think WinMo7 will ever arrive since they probably won't have any market share left to sell to once it is complete next year) you should check out Courier. Very slick and actually as handy to lug/toss around as a small hardcover.
  • medi01 - Friday, January 29, 2010 - link

    Windows Mobile is a selling point for me and for most of friends of mine.

    I couldn't care less about flashy screens with 0 functionality. WinMo allows me to:
    a) install whatever I like
    b) develop my own software for it, without asking any mofo's permission
    c) it supports bloody folders

    Apple is simply outstanding marketing, nothing else. Lacking obvious features like copy&paste, introducing ridiculous constraints yet convincing customers that it's the way it should be. "I miss folders, but you could get nearly the same with playlists", right...
  • dotroy - Monday, February 1, 2010 - link

    a) install whatever I like : What would that be which is not available in app store ?
    b)develop my own software for it: Ohh did you ever develop anything in your whole life ? If so please tell me which app ?
    c) it supports bloody folders : Oh really? Folders are so 71. Why we do not search in Google by folders ? because when there is lots of data...folders does not matter, all you need a good search engine to fine it. If you have 4 files in your computer yes use a folder but if you have 25,000 MP3 then yes use search function to find files
  • Dex1701 - Monday, February 8, 2010 - link

    Wow, no offense, sir, but I think you need to put down the Apple kool aid take a few deep breaths. You're thinking of mobile devices as toys rather than tools. Outside of the multimedia industry that's pretty much Apple's target audience. Some people need to use their devices for things other than shopping/playing silly games while waiting in the waiting room at the doctor's office, making dinner reservations, etc. Outside of our media department Apple has little to nothing to offer my company compared to Linux and Microsoft.

    Not only can we install the software we need (I'm going to ignore your "app store" comment...sure, there are some fun time-wasters to be had there, but very little that is actually useful), but both Windows Mobile (with all of its flaws) and Android are chock-full of out-of-the-box (or free via a download) functionality that is actually useful and productive. What little of this functionality is available on an iPhone requires multiple micro-transactions (most aren't free) from the app store, and then we're still left sorely lacking in business features.

    Yes, our company does develop our own mobile device apps for WinMo and Android. No, you won't find any of them available to the public as they are not ridiculous "mood ring" apps that cost $5 and are entertaining for 10 minutes...they're clients for our IT data services and internal software, utilities for field engineers, etc. Heck, I've even developed several utilities for my own personal use.

    Don't understand why someone would want folders? I don't even know how to address that. Sure, an indexed database is great for music, but not for a million other things. Again, you're thinking in terms of toys and appliances rather than tools.

    Don't get me wrong, Apple makes great multimedia tools and electronics that work well for non-technical users. For me and my business their platforms are far too locked down and limited for us to bother with them.
  • dotroy - Tuesday, February 9, 2010 - link

    Apple Kool Aid: So you think people buy product with their hard earned money just because they the product is made by apple ? Does not make any sense to me or will not make any sense to marketing either. I personaly still use WinXP and MAC OSX because I think they are both good.

    Not only can we install the software we need: So lets see. I am a LAMP developer as well and I can have my "SSH" app install and I can install and configure any php app with this for free which is not entertainment. Have you heard of "iphone SDK" you too can develop ahy app for yourself or for the business users without apples approval and can distribute in your organization.

    WinMo and Android: WinMO is dead could not do anything significant ..even browsing. Android is promising but still nothing close to what iphone offers.

    Don't understand why someone would want folders? - So indexing is only for music and it is a toy ? Really so what is Google or any other search engine ?

    Don't get me wrong, Apple makes great multimedia tools : This statement by you again contradictory of what you said earlier. Yes they make good product and that is why people buy them. Even if you are just a investor you would buy apple stock because they are doing good. I undersatnd for you (b2b market) apple has limited appeal because that is yet to be their target market.

    Again I would say, making money and saving money is quite different and people do not spend their hard earned money by closing eye. Ask your marketing department and they would be able to explain you better

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