
Quick Look

Kenwood CL-701
Multimedia Speakers

The Good
$119.95 MSRP

+ Cool looking design
+ Little background hiss

The Bad

- Higher fidelity at a lower price is not hard to find
- Lots of distortion even at low volume levels
- Volume control only on sub is very inconvenient

Kenwood's first foray into the multimedia speaker market was pretty much a disaster. At just under $100, these speakers offer very little to warrant spending hard earned money to get them. The sound quality is poor and the controls are inconveniently mounted on the sub. Kenwood should go back to the drawing board to satellite crossover and add controls on the satellite. These simple modifications would greatly improve the value of these speakers without significantly affecting the cost.

As mentioned earlier, your ears are the best judge of any audio components, so take a listen and I think you will agree with these conclusions. If you must have the cool look of the Kenwood speakers and do not really need high quality audio, pick up the lower priced CL-501 model. Otherwise, if sound quality matters to you, look elsewhere - there are many better options for under $100.


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